The people below have volunteered their time for 2023. This isn't a closed group. All are welcome at our committee meetings, usually held on the second Wednesday of the month. If you'd like to join our merry band, please get in touch with one of the people below.
- President
- Bobby Mackenzie
0432 618 281 - Vice President
- Anthony Connon - Secretary
- Vanessa Simmonds - Treasurer
- Sean Craig - Registrar
- Sean Craig
0400 543 442 - Sponsorship
- Mathew Grace
- Parramatta District Junior Rep
- Anthony Connon
- Equipment Manager
- Anthony Connon
- Minis Coordinator
- James Watt
- District Minis Representative
- - vacant -
- Saturday Canteen (Mini's)
- - vacant-
- Sunday Canteen (Junior's)
- - vacant -
- General Committee
- Alexis Gillies
- Ashley Mackenzie
- Kellie Kaczorowski
- Kerry Anne Murray
- Kim Craig
- Mal Kaczorowski
- Martin Fitzpatrick
- Ryan Fitzpatrick
- Sabina Sparks