Sport provides parents many, many opportunities to spend their hard-earned cash! Just get the essentials, and whatever makes your child comfortable. There's no need (or sense) in getting the most expensive of absolutely everything on offer.
What we give you
Registration fees include:
- training shirt
- game shorts
- game socks
(Game-day shirts are provided by the club. We even let parents take turns taking them home for a good wash!)
Essential Purchases
This one is simple: boots and mouthguard.
- Boots needn't be special. The cheapest footy boots at your local sports shop will usually do the trick - especially for Mini's. As the kids get older, you'll find specific boots for forwards and backs. If you're in doubt about which boots to buy, ask the coach!
- You've got two options for mouthguards - 'boil and bite' mouldable guards are available from most chemists. Alternatively, your dentist is able to make a custom guard. Most private health insurances cover the costs of a dentist-made mouthguard, so check if you're covered.
Anything else?
Other popular items are headgear and body protection (shoulder pads). These aren't essential items, but can give a little extra confidence when needed. Sometimes our kids just want to look like their favourite player on TV!